The Traitors is a new game show on BBC One which takes 22 contestants who are competing for a life-changing amount of money.
The twist is three members of the group are traitors who must remove the rest of the group: the Faithful.
For the lucky ones who survive to the end, they have the chance of winning up to £120,000. But if a Traitor remains undetected, they’ll steal all the money.
So between all the Traitors and the Faithful, who are the contestants of the game show, hosted by Claudia Winkleman?
Here’s everything you need to know about The Traitors contestants…

The Traitors contestants: Aaron Evans
Aaron, 24, is an estate agent from Portsmouth who is hoping to use the money to put down a deposit for a home for his mum and use any left over for a property for himself.
He shares that he applied to the show for the opportunity to go to Scotland and meet new people, but he is really excited to take part in the challenges now.
Aaron thinks his background in sales will aid him in reading people, and his energy and personality will help him in the game too.
But, he shares that he will be nervous if he is chosen to be a Traitor, and he is not a good liar. Aaron thinks he has a better chance as one of the Faithful (or is that just part of his mind games too?!)
You can follow Aaron on Instagram @aaronevans97_

Aisha in The Traitors
Aisha is a 23-year-old Masters Graduate from Manchester. She studied international politics for her degree.
She says she would use the money to pay off her mum’s mortgage and give her a nice holiday.
Aisha says she applied for the show because her friends thought she’d be good at reality TV.
Aisha adds that she is an oversharer with no filter, but she’ll use this to her advantage as people will expect her to give away if she is a traitor.
She thinks her good gut feeling will also be an advantage.

Alex Gray joins the game show
Alex Gray, 26, is a presenter and actress who lives in London and studied Psychology at UCL.
She shares that she’s not sure what she’d use the money for, and will decide throughout the game depending on how much money the team win.
She thinks her degree in psychology will help her read people, and her game plan is to be friendly and a team player.
Alex thinks her career as an actress and performer will also be an advantage.
Alex also shares that she’s in the game to win it: “Of course, I think with any game you go in to win. But if I don’t win, it’s not the end of the world.”
You can follow Alex on Instagram @alexogray.

The Traitors contestants: Alyssa
Alyssa is a 21-year-old Business student originally from West Cork in Ireland, but she now lives in Edinburgh.
Alyssa decided to join the show as she likes to challenge herself and push her boundaries.
She adds that she’ll use the money for her family, and she’d ideally love to buy her mum a cottage.
Alyssa shares that she’s an A* student and thinks her smarts and competitive nature will help her in the competition.
Alyssa thinks that acting vulnerable towards older adults will also help her, as their parental instincts will kick in.
You can follow Alyssa on Instagram @alyssa.rec

Amanda Lovett also joins the contest
Amanda Lovett, 54, is an estate agent from Swansea.
She says she would love to spend the money on getting her twins a car each.
Amanda thinks she’s good at deceiving people and is “prepared to do anything” to win the contest.
She thinks her years as an estate agent make her good at reading people, and her game plan is to not get too close to anyone.
You can follow Amanda on Instagram @amanda_lovett25.

The Traitors contestants: Dr Amos Ogunkoya
Amos Ogunokya, a 30-year-old doctor from London also joins the contest.
Amos says he joined the show as he’s interested in the strategy and psychological aspect of it.
And after working for three years on the frontline of the pandemic, Amos wants to do something separate for himself.
He adds that he would probably give the money to charity, but he does not expect to win.
He’s willing to go far in the game but doesn’t want to compromise his morals.
Amos also shares that he’d rather be a part of the Faithful than a Traitor too.
You can find his Instagram @dr_amoss.

Who is Andrea from The Traitors?
Andrea, 72, is retired and from Belgium.
The challenges and missions are the exciting part of the show for Andrea!
She also thinks her age and experience will help her in the game.
Andrea wants to use the money to buy a new car and to look after herself and be a bit more carefree.
While Andrea shares that she doesn’t really have a game plan, she thinks she has a great poker face and a really good read on people, and that will aid her in the game.

Claire Barratt joins the BBC gameshow
Claire Barratt, 43, is an ex-police officer who now works as an entrepreneur in Hull.
She says she has “no idea” how she’ll spend the money but would love to take her kids to Disneyland.
Claire thinks her background in policing will give her an advantage in the competition.
She shares that she’s very good at spotting details in people’s faces and behaviours, and is good at spotting liars.
She adds: “I will go as far as it takes to win it. And again, not for the monetary value but to achieve something myself.”
You can find her Instagram @claireabellafounder.

The Traitors contestants: Fay
Fay, 59, is a head of school welfare from Suffolk.
Fay joined the contest as she finds the concept appealing, but also wants to take up the opportunity before she retires from her career in education.
She isn’t sure how she’d use the money but would love a “wonderful holiday”.
Fay thinks her background as a basketball player will help her strategy.
She shares she was even part of “the 2012 Olympic team with the Australians”.

Hannah Byczkowski is a contestant on The Traitors
Hannah is a 32-year-old comedian who lives in London.
She wants to invest the money in her career, and use it to travel and gig around America.
Hannah thinks she’ll bring some lightness and humour to the game, but will have the advantage of being a performer and “a bit of an actor”.
She also thinks she’s got an excellent poker face and would love to be one of the Traitors.
She says this about winning the game: “Money is money, the prize is a bonus but it’s certainly not the reason why I want to win.”
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @hannahbycz.

The Traitors contestants: Imran
Imran is a 23-year-old scientist from Cambridge.
Imran shares he was inspired to join the competition because he wants to see if he can apply his academic principles to a social setting.
He shares that he will be spending the prize money on his parents.
He wants to bring logical problem-solving to the show, but his game plan is not to tell his fellow contestants about his impressive academic background.
Imran also shares that he is very competitive and is willing to go as far as it takes to win the game.

Ivan Brett joins the BBC game show
Ivan Brett, 32, is an author from Cornwall.
He writes children’s books and game books.
This inspired him to apply for the show: “I’m obsessed with games, and I recently wrote a couple of books full of hundreds of games that groups of friends or families would play together.”
He wants to spend the money to get married in a big wedding to his fiancée Amy after he made “a real bodge” of their engagement five years ago.
Ivan says he has a “nine-point” game plan, and thinks he has an advantage because he is going to play the game differently from other people.
Sounds like Ivan is one to watch!
You can follow him on Instagram @ivanbrett.

The Traitors contestants: John McManus
John McManus is a 49-year-old spa therapist from London.
Being a Scotsman, John is proud to represent Scotland in the competition as its held there, and he hopes to be crowned “King of Scotland”.
John hopes his theatre background will give him an advantage, and he’ll have a good poker face.
John says he has put his career before everything, and now that’s turning 50, he wants to do something for himself. He would spend the money to go and travel and look after his father.
He adds that he thinks the nature of the game stops him from having a game plan, and he just plans on being himself.
You can follow John on Instagram @johnmcmanus40.

Kieran Tompsett on The Traitors
Kieran Tompsett, 42, is a solutions consultant from Hertfordshire.
He joined the show as he thought the concept was interesting and has always been interested in being on TV.
Kieran wants to spend the money on doing up his home and taking his family on holiday.
He shares that his game plan is to be himself and try not to blend into the background.
He also thinks his job means he’s got a very good poker face: “I’ve got to for my job, I have to go and do pitches in boardrooms in front of people and demonstrate software there.
“I’ll get people that are hard-faced and people that dislike you, it’s just the way life is.”
You can find Kieran on Instagram @kieran_tompsett.

Maddy Smedley
Maddy Smedley is a 29-year-old receptionist from Kent.
She shares that she is motivated to go on the show to prove she is not “ditsy and silly” as some people perceive her.
She wants to give the prize money to her “selfless” mother.
Maddy adds that she wants to bring some joy and humour to the show.
You can follow Maddy Smedley on Instagram @madelynsmedley.

The Traitors contestants: Matt Harris
Matt Harris, 23, is a BMX athlete from Hertfordshire.
He says he decided to apply for the show whilst hungover on a train “for a laugh!”
He says that he’s seen as the “stupid one of the group” and wants to prove his friends wrong.
While Matt admits he’s not a very good liar himself, he thinks he’s very good at spotting them.
He sees winning as a bonus but is mainly in it for the experience. He has no idea what to spend the prize money on but shares that he would “definitely buy a coffee”.
You could get a bit more than a coffee for £120,000, Matt!
You can follow Matt on Instagram @matt_peter.

Meryl Williams joins the game show
Meryl Williams is a 25-year-old call centre agent from Edinburgh.
She is also excited to join the show as it’s based in Scotland!
She adds that her advantage in the game is that she “sees the world differently”.
Meryl adds: “I have dwarfism. So, in that sense, my different view of situations and a different perspective. And, I can bring my personality!”
She also thinks she’s a good liar with a good eye for a fellow liar!
Meryl plans to spend the money on home improvements and taking friends and family on holiday.
You can find Meryl on Instagram @merylwilliams.

Nicky Wilding on The Traitors
Nicky, 45, is an accounts supervisor from South Croydon.
She says she joined the competition because she loves a challenge.
She also has an inspiring motivation for joining the show: “I have been raising money for bionic hand control by thought and the fact that there is a substantial amount of money up for grabs, that would enable me to get the treatment that I need to get another hand.
“I had a severe nearly fatal car crash at the age of 22. My son was only four years old and I’ve had to be strong, I’ve had someone that’s dependent on me.”
Nicky shares that she doesn’t really have a game plan, and wants to see how the situation unfolds naturally.
She adds that she’ll go as far as it takes to win the competition: “It means everything to me.”
Sounds like Nicky’s resilience will be a big help to her!
You can follow Nicky on Instagram @nickyneedsahand.

Rayan is a contestant on The Traitors
Rayan, 25, is a trainee lawyer from North London.
He shares that he was interested in the show because he sees himself as a “bit of a drama queen”.
He adds: “being a drama queen, a game player and an agent of chaos I thought this was a perfect game for me”.
Rayan studied at Oxford and Durham and thinks his smarts will help him, and that he has a really good read on people.
He also shares that he is “pretty incredible at lying.”
Rayan shares that he doesn’t really care about the money, and is just in the competition to win it. He says: “I don’t care about the money that much, it’s more about the win for me.”
You can find Rayan on Instagram @thegramofrayan.

The Traitors contestants: Theo Mayne
Theo, 26, is a cheerleading coach from Leeds.
Theo shares that he applied for the competition to push himself out of his comfort zone.
He adds that his game plan is “to be myself and let people fall in love with me”.
Theo plans to use the money to buy his own gym. He shares: “I want to have my own unit to be able to provide sessions for all kinds of people, for example, LGBTQ family mornings, and for cheerleading and do everything that I’ve always wanted to do.”
Theo thinks he’s got a great poker face and that his background in musical theatre will help him along too!
You can find Theo on Instagram @theomayne1.

Tom Elderfield on The Traitors
Tom Elderfield is a 24-year-old magician from Buckinghamshire.
He thinks his background as a magician will be a big help to him on the show! He says: “I love fooling and tricking people. I get great satisfaction out of spending hours upon hours building up anticipation for this one moment.”
He also adds that he is very good at telling when people are lying, and he’s not worried about possibly being a traitor.
Tom wants to spend the money on “experiences”. His dream is to have a show travelling around the world.
You can follow Tom on Instagram @tomelderfield.
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Wilfred Webster
Wilfred Webster, 28, is a senior fundraiser from North London.
He shares that his motivations are his fiancée and children, his love for games and the money!
Wilfred has big plans if he wins the money: “I’d like to pay off the rest of my wedding.
“Also, in October I started a psychology and counselling degree, and my aim is to own a gym and dance studio, to counsel young people through sports and activities.”
Wilfred thinks his background in fundraising means he can read people very quickly, and this will be a big advantage to him.
He says he will do “anything” to win and has no hesitation to get rid of people in order to win the game.
You can follow Wilfred on Instagram @wilfredwebsterofficial.
The Traitors starts on Tuesday November 29 at 9:30 pm on BBC One.
What do you think of the contestants? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think.