The Coronation Street cast 2023 are reeling from the aftermath of Stephen Reid’s murderous campaign on the cobbles.
With danger lurking on every corner of the cobbles, it’s fair to say the Coronation Street cast will change a lot over the coming year!
Read on to find out who is currently starring on the Street, and remember, we also have more in-depth profiles on individual characters – just click on the link on their name to read more about them.
Coronation Street cast 2023

Aadi Alahan
The son of Dev Alahan and the late Sunita Alahan, Aadi, played by Adam Hussain, has a twin sister, Asha.
He’s been unlucky in love so far, with a sweet but ultimately disastrous romance with Kelly Neelan! And now he’s crossed another line with a steamy affair with older woman Courtney Vance.
Courtney’s dumped husband Darren Vance – and moved in with Aadi.
Sounds like trouble to us!

Abi Webster
Reformed drug addict Abi Webster, played by Sally Carman joined the Coronation Street cast in 2017 and is the mother of the late Seb Franklin, and twins who she gave up for adoption.
She found love with Kevin Webster, but was left heartbroken when Seb was murdered by Corey Brent.
Abi married Kevin in 2021.
However, after a gun rampage against Seb’s killer Corey and an ill-advised one-night stand with Imran Habeeb, Abi’s worldcame crashing down again.
Abi fell back into addiction, split from Kevin and gave birth in March 2022 without even knowing she was pregnant.
She lost custody of baby Alfie to his biological dad Imran, but with Imran now dead, Abi has got her son back.
Abi has now returned home and is enjoying family life with Kev, Jack and little Alfie.

Adam Barlow
Samuel Robertson plays smouldering Adam Barlow, the son of Susan Barlow and Mike Baldwin.
He was born off-screen in 1988 and appeared on the show several times until returning full-time to the Coronation Street cast in 2016.
Adam’s a solicitor who has a devious streak and a way with the ladies, although he calmed his ways after falling for and marrying Sarah Platt.
But his past definitely returned to bite him in the form of ex Lydia Chambers.
She stalked him and managed to briefly split Adam and Sarah up by convincing Sarah they were having an affair.
Adam and Sarah’s reunion fell apart, though, when Sarah couldn’t resist the charms of badboy Damon Hay. Her brief affair with Damon left her pregnant with his baby, and the lies that followed meant the end of Adam and Sarah’s marriage.

Aggie Bailey
Aggie first moved to Coronation Street in 2019 with her husband Ed and sons Michael and James.
She is played by actress Lorna Laidlaw.
Aggie works as a nurse and took on her formidable boss Mr Thorne. She was also a rock for Tim Metcalfe during his heart problems. But she’s not been on screen for a while.
Aled Winter-Brown
Aled is one of Gemma and Chesney’s quadruplets.
Ches and Gemma discovered he is deaf. He is the half-brother of Joseph and brother of Bryn, Carys and Llio.

Alex Warner
Liam Bairstow plays the nephew of Cathy Matthews, Alex. He is the first actor with Down’s Syndrome to appear on the show.
Quick-witted Alex works in Roy’s Rolls and has bonded with Roy. He’s quite the fan favourite too.
Alfie Franklin
Little Alfie’s start in life was dramatic given addict mother, Abi, didn’t even know she was pregnant.
Alfie was born prematurely but he’s thriving now and has been reunited with mum Abi.

Alya Nazir
Sair Khan plays strong-willed Alya, who has a head for business and is determined to go places.
She first arrived in Weatherfield in 2014 and inherited the factory from former business partner Aidan Connor.
Alya eventually handed back control to Carla Connor, and now runs Speed Daal.
After brother Zeedan returned, Alya was fuming to find out he was laundering cash for his former father-in-law, Hashim.
When Hashim had a heart attack in front of them, Alya didn’t call an ambulance and he died.
Yasmeen wanted nothing to do with them when she found out what they had done, but things have softened.
Alya recently made the move to train as a legal secretary, forming a new duo with Dee Dee Bailey.

Amy Barlow
Daughter of Steve McDonald and Tracy Barlow, Amy is a chip off Tracy’s block.
Sharp-tongued and devious, Amy knows how to work her parents to her advantage.
Elle Mulvaney has played Amy since 2004.
Amy fell pregnant at 14, met and bonded with a long-lost sister, Emma, and suffered the pain of losing little brother Oliver.
Most recently, Amy was raped by Aaron Sandford and struggled to make him – and everyone else – understand what had happened to her.

Asha Alahan
Sister of Aadi, Asha is Dev and Sunita’s other child.
Tanisha Gorey plays the teen, who has been through a lot over the last few years.
She was horrified when she discovered her former boyfriend Corey Brent attacked Nina and Seb.
She plotted with Nina and Abi to find evidence to get him arrested.
Asha fell for Nina and the pair decided to give things a go.
Now they’re cutely coupled up. Aww!

Audrey Roberts
Gail’s mum, Audrey Roberts, played by Sue Nicholls, first appeared in 1982 and became a regular character in 1985.
Her beloved husband Alf died following a stroke in 1999, and she has since remained largely single.
She owned and ran the Street salon for years, and now she owns the barbers, but Maria Connor and David Platt run it.
Audrey’s last dalliance with romance was with bounder Lewis Archer but she found him dead on their bedroom floor.
Audrey had a tough time when she tried to take her own life. After confessing to her friends, Audrey has started taking anti-depressants and she’s reopened the salon.
And now she’s coping with the shock of finding out Stephen was a murderer, and his death. Poor Aud!

Bernie Winter
Bernie first arrived in Weatherfield in 2019 when Gemma was pregnant with the quads.
She is the mother of Gemma and Paul Foreman. She is played by actress Jane Hazlegrove.
Bernie is in a relationship with Dev, and despite them seeming like an odd couple, they appear to be making a proper go of it.
But things are hard for Bernie currently as she comes to terms with son Paul’s motor neurone disease diagnosis.

Bertie Osbourne
Bertie, played by Rufus Morgan-Smith, is the son of Daniel and Sinead Osbourne.
Sinead died towards the end of 2019 just before Bertie turned one.

Beth Sutherland
Aunty of Sinead Tinker, mother of Craig Tinker, and partner of Kirk Sutherland, Beth, played by Lisa George, arrived on the cobbles in 2011.
She works in the factory and is never afraid of a scam or two – she married Kirk despite already having a husband!
Despite her mouthiness, she can be sensitive and took the death of Sinead to cancer very badly.
Beth’s relationship with husband Kirk fell apart when she started meeting an old flame, but they’ve managed to get things back on track.

Billy Mayhew
Vicar Billy Mayhew, played by Daniel Brocklebank, joined the Coronation Street cast in 2014 as Sean Tully’s love interest.
Unfortunately for Sean, Billy fell for Todd Grimshaw and the pair split up, but Todd and Billy didn’t work out either.
On Christmas Day 2017 Billy fell off a cliff after an altercation with Peter Barlow and spent a long time recovering after becoming addicted to painkillers.
And now he’s got even more on his plate as he and fiance Paul cope with Paul’s motor neurone disease and his worsening health.
Plus, he’s lost his job with the church!

Coronation Street cast 2023: Brian Packham
Brian Packham (Peter Gunn) first arrived in Weatherfield in 2010, and left in 2013, but was brought back in 2015 for a more permanent stint.
He ran the Kabin with Cathy Matthews, but had dreams of moving to Cornwall.
He even proposed to Cathy, but his efforts left her wanting and she ended up cheating on him then dumping him.
She left the street and Brian remains, with a whiff of romance with Mary Taylor in the offing…
Bryn Winter-Brown
Bryn is another one of Chesney and Gemma’s quads.
He is the brother of Aled, Carys, Llio and half-brother of Joseph Brown.

Carla Barlow
Factory boss Carla Barlow (Alison King) first came to join the Coronation Street cast in 2006 and, despite leaving for a while, she returned for good in 2017.
She is close to Roy Cropper, and discovered her long-lost dad was Johnny Connor back in 2015.
Carla struggled with psychosis as a result of the factory roof collapse in 2019.
She and Peter have been through a lot, but got married in 2021.
Carla has been struggling with her mental health again – or so she thought. Of course, now she knows business rival Stephen Reid was spiking her drinks with LSA, making her think she was losing her mind.
Now Carla’s trying to pick up the pieces of
Carys Winter-Brown
Carys is another one of Chesney and Gemma’s quads.
She is the sister of Aled, Bryn, Llio and half-brother of Joseph Brown.

Cassie Plummer
Cassie (played by soap fave Claire Sweeney) is the troubled, addict daughter of Evelyn Plummer and Tyrone’s long-lost mum.
The family are reunited for now, but though Ty’s delighted to get to know his mum, Evelyn’s more wary about her daughter’s ‘recovery’ from her drug addiction. And it’s clear Cassie’s not being entirely honest.

Chesney Brown
Loveable Chesney Brown first arrived as a nine-year-old in 2003 and actor Sam Aston has stuck around ever since.
He’s the brother of Fiz Stape and best mate of Kirk Sutherland and dad to young Joseph and quad babies.
Ches works in the kebab shop, is constantly broke and tired, but recently tied the knot with Gemma.
He nearly lost Joseph when granny Linda offered to take the lad to Portugal with her. But fortunately, Ches managed to stop his son before he left and he has stayed where he belongs.
Now newlywed Ches just has to worry about his wife’s ex – Henry Newton – coming back into her life…

Courtney Vance
Courtney is fun and sassy and very attractive, so it’s no surprise she’s won the heart of adoring Aadi Alahan.
The only trouble is Courtney’s ex-husband Darren – Aadi’s dad’s business partner (awks!) gave her a taste for luxury and now she’s not enjoying slumming it in the precinct flat with Aadi.
Sounds like trouble to us!

Craig Tinker
Craig Tinker, played by Colson Smith, arrived with mum, Beth, and pet rat, Darryl, in 2011.
He was a rock to friend Bethany Platt during the fallout from the grooming storyline and the pair even tried dating for a while.
Craig received a diagnosis for OCD after he became obsessed with flicking switches, tapping and turning knobs repeatedly.
He was a committed policeman, but quit after discovering girlfriend Faye was responsible for killing a man. He has covered up her crime and got a job at the factory.
Craig eventually realised he couldn’t cut it away from his dream job and reapplied to the force.
Now he’s a trainee detective and loving life, despite Faye moving away.

Daisy Midgeley
Daisy turned up in the Coronation Street cast in 2021. She is the former stepdaughter of Jenny Connor.
When she arrived, she was trouble, splitting up Ryan and Alya. But since then she’s settled down with Daniel Osbourne and the pair recently moved in together.
Daisy was the victim of stalker Justin earlier this year, who pursued her relentless. Eventually he attacked her with acid on her wedding day – but it was Ryan who took the brunt of the attack and who’s been scarred for life.
Daisy tried to help Ryan but her misguided attempts at making him feel better – by posing as love interest Crystal – well and truly backfired.
Since then Daisy and Ryan have slept with each other, but she’s chosen Daniel.
For now.
Daniel Osbourne
Daniel, the son of Ken Barlow and Denise Osbourne, was born in 1995.
He left the show when Denise took him away from Ken following her affair, but returned in 2016 played by Rob Mallard.
Daniel pushed his father Ken down the stairs in 2017’s big whodunnit, and has battled his anger issues.
After marrying Sinead Tinker, and becoming a dad to baby Bertie, he appeared to calm down.
She then tragically died and Daniel went off the rails, proposing to Bethany with his late wife’s ring.
Daniel is now engaged to Daisy Midgeley and they’ve come through her stalking horror and moved in together.
Will they find happiness at last ?

Darren Vance
Husband of Courtney – who’s playing away with Aadi Alahan – and flash businessman, Darren is someone who Dev in particular was desperate to impress.
So when the affair was revealed, it wasn’t just Darren who lost everything!

David Platt
David is the son of Gail Rodwell and Martin Platt, grandson of Audrey Roberts, and brother of Nick Tilsley and Sarah Platt.
He’s a dad to Lily and stepdad to Max following his marriage to Kylie Platt. Clayton Hibbs stabbed Kylie to death. His mother, Shona Ramsay, wed widower David.
David (Jack P Shepherd) faced deep trauma after Josh Tucker raped him in 2018.
He’s a lot more settled now, although Shona is a challenge after almost becoming a different person when she suffered a brain injury during the 2019 Christmas siege.
Meanwhile, stepson Max is a handful too. He’s recently been released after serving time for being part of a far-right gang.
Debbie Webster
After years away, Kev’s sister Debbie, played by Sue Devaney, came back a successful businesswoman and gave him some inheritance she’d received.
Immediately popular with viewers, Debbie seemed a good egg.
However, it was soon revealed she’d been working with Ray Crosby, who is now in prison, to redevelop the Street.
She turned on Ray, got hold of all of his businesses and now runs the Bistro, plus his luxury hotels.
Now Debbie’s in a relationship with Ronnie Bailey. But she’s not totally put her wheeling dealing ways behind her. She’s always on the hunt for a new way to make a quick buck…

Dee-Dee Bailey
The elusive daughter of Ed and Aggie Bailey arrived on the cobbles in September.
The apple of Aggie’s eye, Dee-Dee’s bright and bubbly exterior is hiding a hot-shot, highly successful lawyer.
She immediately managed to get brother James a better settlement from his football club after he was let go.
Dee-Dee had been living in America, but lonely, has decided to relocate to the Street.

Dev Alahan
Corner shop and kebab shop owner Dev (Jimmi Harkishin) started on Corrie in 1999.
He’s been quite the ladies’ man during his time in Weatherfield, but he doesn’t always know how to treat the opposite sex properly.
He devotes his life to his twins, but unfortunately doesn’t always get it right.
And with his head turned by many a pretty woman, they often get left on the backburner.
Currently dating Bernie Winter, how long will this romance last?

Dylan Wilson
The son of Sean Tully and Violet Wilson, teenage Dylan regularly comes to stay with his dad.
And he recently started appearing more regularly as a new story kicks off for the teen.

Ed Bailey
Ed Bailey arrived in Weatherfield in 2019. He is played by Trevor Michael Georges.
Eddie is a devoted family man, and a hard worker but he’s got his weaknesses – a gambling habit led him destroying the Baileys’ finances.
They’re back on an even keel now, but that urge to place a bet is still strong.
How long can Ed keep fighting?

Eileen Grimshaw
Unlucky-in-love Eileen Grimshaw, played by Sue Cleaver, moved to Weatherfield with her sons Jason and Todd in 2000.
Her last marriage was to evil Pat Phelan and the less said about that, the better!
She’s in a relationship with George Shuttleworth, though he doesn’t always get things quite right!

Elaine Jones
Tim’s mum, Elaine Jones, played by Paula Wilcox was presumed dead of cancer, but was revealed to be alive when Yasmeen Nazir was in prison for attacking husband Geoff.
Horrible Geoff had controlled and abused Elaine and scared her into running away and staying away.
She fell for Stephen Reid and the pair moved in together, but luckily – and in the nick of time judging by the life insurance policy Stephen had taken out! – she saw through his manipulative ways and the pair broke up.
Seems Elaine had a lucky escape!

Eliza Woodrow
Troubled tween Eliza lived with her grandfather Stu and his partner Yasmeen. Her mum, Bridget, is in prison for murder – the murder Stu served time for!
But now Eliza has moved in with her dad, Dom, much to Stu’s distress.

Emily Bishop
Emily Bishop (Eileen Derbyshire) is one of the longest-serving Coronation Street cast members, after appearing on screen for the first time in 1961.
She took a sabbatical from the show in 2016 and although no return date has been announced, Emily is still considered a cast member on the show.

Evelyn Plummer
Maureen Lipman joined the Coronation Street cast as Evelyn Plummer in 2018.
Sharp-tongued Evelyn is the long-lost grandmother of Tyrone Dobbs, and despite her nasty demeanour, she’s managed to charm him into letting her live with him.
And, now she’s let her guard down, there’s a definite soft centre. She’s still at her best with the sharp one-liners though.
Evelyn’s struggling with addict daughter Cassie turning up on the street.
Fiz Stape
Fiz, played by Jennie McAlpine, is the mother to Hope Stape and stepdaughter Ruby Dobbs.
She works in the factory.
She and Tyrone have made it through tough times – Ty’s affair with Alina, Fiz marrying Phill, and daughter Hope’s VERY worrying behaviour.
And she and Tyrone eventually made it down the aisle on Christmas Day. Aww.
Currently, Fiz is working away while Jennie McAlpine is on maternity leave, but she’ll be back soon.
How will she react to meeting Ty’s long-lost mum, Cassie?

Gail Rodwell
Gail Potter/Tilsley/Platt/Hillman/McIntyre/Rodwell (Helen Worth) must hold the record for the most disastrous soap marriages, with all but one of her husbands now dead.
Currently single – which is probably for the best – Gail has children Nick Tilsley, Sarah Platt, and David Platt, and grandchildren, Max, Lily, Bethany, Harry and Sam.
She is currently concerned about her mum, Audrey, after the death of her brother, Stephen.

Gary Windass
Gary Windass came to the Street in 2008 with his family, but he’s now the only one remaining, except adoptive sister, Faye.
The builder used to shack up with Sarah Platt, but in 2017 he had a one-night stand with Nicola Rubenstein and fathered a son, Zach, with her.
He’s also dad to Jake with former partner Izzy Armstrong.
Gary, now married to Maria Connor, has become something of a criminal, having killed loan shark Rick and buried him in the woods.
But since Rick’s daughter Kelly found out the truth, and they had a dramatic rooftop confrontation, Gary seems to be on an even keel.
How long will it last?
Gemma Winter
Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell) was an old friend of Kylie Platt when she turned up to cause trouble.
But she’s since turned over a new leaf, befriended Rita, and made a home for herself on the Street.
She worked in the kebab shop for a while and fell in love with Chesney Brown, with whom she shares four babies.
Gem and Ches got married earlier this year, in typically Gemma style!
But now old flame Henry Newton has turned up in her life…

George Shuttleworth
Tony Maudsley plays George Shuttleworth and he joined the Coronation Street cast in September 2020.
He is the son of the late Archie Shuttleworth, who has inherited his funeral parlour.
George and employee Todd Grimshaw have become a hit with viewers in their partnership at Shuttleworth’s.
And he’s loved up with Todd’s mum Eileen. Aww.

Glenda Shuttleworth
Larger-than-life cruise ship singer Glenda Shuttleworth arrived on the cobbles with a bang.
Brilliantly played by Jodie Prenger, Glenda is absolutely everything the show needs and more.
Helping Sean with his love life and teaming up with Mary Taylor are just two of her brilliant moves.
We can’t wait for more!
Glory Bailey
Eleanor Beckles plays the baby daughter of Michael Bailey and Grace Vickers.
Grace abandoned her daughter after leaving her home alone and left Michael and his family to care for her.
Harry Platt
Harry Platt is the son of Sarah Platt and Callum Logan.
Callum died in 2015.

Coronation Street cast 2023: Hope Stape
The biological daughter of Fiz Stape and killer John Stape, Hope Stape is seriously troubled.
She was raised by Fiz and Tyrone Dobbs, who she sees as her father.
Hope has had some behavioural issues and was sent to a school with a behaviour unit.
At the school she met Jade Rowan, who turned out to be her paternal half-sister.
Hope has a habit of starting fires and started one that resulted in Alina losing her baby.
Hope found out newest stepdad Phill was writing a book about her dad, and went nuts. She smashed his car with a digger!
Hope also tried to sabotage Fiz and Phill’s wedding to reunite Fiz and Tyrone. She got her wish, but will that make her happy?
Hope is played by Isabella Flanagan, who is the real life twin-sister of William Flanagan, who plays Joseph.

Izzy Armstrong
Izzy Armstrong, played by Cherylee Houston was heralded as the soap’s first regular disabled character when she arrived in 2010.
She works in the factory, is mum to Jake, and is the only remaining member of the Armstrong family.
Izzy struggled terribly during the pandemic but has been back on our screens recently.

Jack Webster
Kevin’s son with the late Molly Dobbs was born in 2010. He’s been played by Kyran Bowes since 2016.
Jack’s biggest storyline to date came in 2018 when he battled sepsis and had to have his leg amputated.
He recently found out he was the product of an affair between his mum and dad and it hits him hard.
But now he’s happy with dad Kev and stepmum Abi.
Jake Windass
Jake Windass is the biological son of Gary Windass and Izzy Armstrong.
However Tina McIntyre was their surrogate and she gave birth to Jake.
Jake usually lives with mum Izzy.

Jenny Connor
Jenny, played by Sally Ann Matthews, arrived in Weatherfield in 1986 as the foster daughter of Rita Tanner.
She left, then returned in 2015 as Kevin Webster’s new girlfriend. They split up when Jenny had a breakdown and kidnapped his son, Jack, after revealing the death of her own young son.
She got help and returned before marrying Johnny Connor and taking over as landlady of the Rovers Return in 2018.
After cheating on Johnny with Ronnie, the couple decided to split. However she bought the Rovers off Johnny and was with him when he died last year.
Jenny moved on with Leo Thompkins. He was much younger than her and Jenny was shocked to discover her dad was an old school friend.
Despite this, they decided to move to Canada together, but drunk Jenny ended up sharing a kiss with Stephen Reid.
Leo found out and it looked like he went to Canada without her, but now poor Jenny knows Leo is actually dead after being killed by Stephen!
And that was just the start of Stephen’s murderous rampage – which has left Jenny alive, luckily, but reeling in shock!
Joel Deering
A new arrival to Corrie, Joel is another legal eagle who was won over by Dee-Dee Bailey’s charms.
He’s played by Hollyoaks star Callum Lill, and he’s already got on the wrong side of Dee-Dee’s dad, Ed, by clocking on to his gambling habit.

Young Joseph almost left for Portugal (Credit: ITV)
Joseph Brown
Joseph Brown is the son of Chesney Brown and Katy Armstrong.
After Katy died in a car accident in Portugal in 2017, he came back to Weatherfield to live with Chesney.
He is played by William Flanagan.

Ken Barlow
Played by William Roache, who is the longest-serving member of the Coronation Street cast, Ken Barlow was in the first episode when it aired on December 9, 1960.
Appearing as the educated son of a working class family, Ken is moralistic and politically minded, although he has often been referred to as boring.
Boring or not, he’s bagged himself three wives over the years, plus a long-term relationship with Denise Osbourne.
He’s recently reconnected with old lover Wendy Crozier – but lost her again when another old flame, Martha Fraser returned.
Will Ken find someone to spend his golden years with?

Kevin Webster
Mechanic Kevin Webster, played by Michael Le Vell, runs the local garage. He’s been married to Sally Metcalfe twice, and has two kids with her – Rosie and Sophie Webster.
Kevin had an affair with Molly Dobbs and their son Jack was born in 2010.
Kev was due to marry Abi Franklin, but just before the wedding they were given the terrible news Abi’s son Seb had been attacked.
Seb later died leaving Abi heartbroken.
Abi and Kevin later made it down the aisle and he supported her through her grief.
But he found out she had cheated and broke things off. It was made worse when Abi had Imran’s baby.
Though Kev realised he still loved her and they reunited. Now Kev and Abi, along with Jack and baby Alfie are happy together.

Kirk Sutherland
Adorable Kirk is the brother of Maria Connor and partner of Beth Tinker.
He arrived in 2000 and works in the factory as a packer.
Andy Whyment has played him for 18 years.

Lauren Bolton
Played by Cait Fitton, Lauren Bolton was the daughter of one of the gang that groomed Max Turner.
Now she’s back on the cobbles and seems to have turned over a new leaf. Apart from that whole blackmailing Ryan stuff, of course…
Leanne Battersby
Leanne Battersby, played by Jane Danson, first came to Corrie in 1997. She left in 2000, but returned for good in 2004.
She’s since been married to both Peter Barlow and Nick Tilsley and has an adopted son, Simon Barlow, plus a biological son with Steve McDonald, Oliver.
Little Oliver died from Mitochondrial disease in 2020.
She currently lives with Nick, Simon and has begun to grow closer to Nick’s son, Sam, who he found out about in 2020.
She battled to save her sister, Toyah, from prison and has stood by her since her breakup with Spider Nugent.
What’s next for Leanne?

Liam Connor Jr
Liam Connor Jr is the son of the late Liam Connor and Maria Connor. He is played by actor Charlie Wrenshall.

Lily Platt
Lily Platt is the daughter of David Platt and Kylie Platt. She is also the half-sister of Max Turner.
Kylie died in 2016. Her dad David went on to marry Shona Platt, making her Lily’s stepmum.
Lily is played by Brooke Malonie.
Llio Winter-Brown
Llio is Chesney and Gemma’s daughter, also one of the quadruplets.

Maria Connor
Actress Samia Longchambon joined the Coronation Street cast as Maria Connor in 2000.
She married Liam Connor, but he died leaving her a widow and single mother to their son, Liam Junior.
Maria has had many ill-fated romances since then. She is currently married to Gary Windass.
She was recently voted on to local council to campaign for cleaner air.
But her policies have made her several enemies. She’s been subjected to a vicious online abuse campaign and even discovered a tracker in her bag.

Mary Taylor
Mary Taylor became Mary Cole when she married Norris in a fake wedding for a competition, but she had always harboured secret feelings for Norris.
Played by Patti Clare since 2008, Mary has a son, Jude Appleton, who she gave birth to after being raped in her teens. They were close for a while but he betrayed her.
She works in the florist and has a strange friendship with Tracy Barlow.
Mary and Glenda’s double act has thrilled fans of late – more please, Coronation Street!
Mason Radcliffe
Newcomer Mason, played by Luca Toolan, is a friend of Dylan Wilson’s and he is trouble!
He’s intent on dragging his mates into whatever nasty, dangerous antics he’s up to and has already landed Liam Connor in hospital after talking him into vaping.
Somehow we think this is just the beginning!

Max Turner
Max Turner is the son of Kylie Platt and Callum Logan. However he views his stepfather David as his father.
Callum died in 2015 and Kylie died in 2016. Max still lives with David, stepmum Shona and sister Lily.
Paddy Bever took over the role of Max in September 2021 for a big storyline involving Max being groomed by a far-right gang.
Max has served his punishment for his involvement and seems to have turned over a new leaf.
More Coronation Street cast for 2023

Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey is the oldest son of Ed and Aggie Bailey. He is played by Ryan Russell.
Michael’s ex-girlfriend, Grace, made him believe the child she was nannying for was actually his daughter. He then found out she was genuinely pregnant with his child. Grace gave birth to a baby girl, who they named Glory.
Grace sold Glory to her in-laws and left the cobbles, leaving Michael a single father. He thought he was about to become richer thanks to a deal to sell his brainchild Nippersnapper. But Stephen’s financial trickery put an end to all that.

Nick Tilsley
The character of Nick Tilsley has had many faces since he was born in 1980, but he’s currently played by Ben Price.
After some time away following several failed relationships with Carla Connor and Leanne Battersby, Nick returned in October 2018 to be by Leanne’s bedside as she recovered from a car crash.
The pair rekindled things yet again.
Just before his stepson Oliver died, Nick ran into his ex-girlfriend Natasha and discovered he had a 10-year-old son named Sam.
After Natasha was shot by drug dealer Harvey Gaskell, Sam has come to live with his dad and Leanne.
Nick and Leanne recently bought back the bistro – with the help of some dirty money from Harvey. The deal almost lost them everything but they seem back to a good place now.

Nina Lucas
Nina Lucas is the niece of Roy Cropper, played by Mollie Gallagher.
Last year, Nina and her boyfriend Seb were attacked by Corey Brent, Kelly Neelan and their friends.
Seb died from his injuries leaving Nina devastated.
Nina turned to drink, especially as it seemed like Corey got away with the attack.
However she later found evidence to have him arrested and was relieved when he was sent down.
But the experience has left her with PTSD and panic attacks. Roy and Nina’s girlfriend Asha Alahan have helped her to overcome them, but will they rear their head again soon?

Paul Foreman
Gemma’s twin brother Paul, played by Peter Ash, was David Platt’s cellmate in prison, before pitching up on the Street in January 2019.
He was at the centre of a harrowing historic child sex abuse storyline in 2019. It’s clear it still haunts him to this day, with Paul quick to jump to conclusions based on his own experiences.
Paul’s now dealing with a tragic future, as he’s been diagnosed with motor neurone disease. He’s tied the knot with fiance Billy Mayhew before he was too poorly to walk down the aisle, but he is struggling to cope with his decline.

Peter Barlow
Born in 1965 to Ken and Valerie Barlow, Peter Barlow, played by Chris Gascoyne, is the ultimate lovable rogue.
He’s been a bigamist, marrying both Lucy Richards and Shelley Unwin at the same time, an alcoholic, a dad to Simon, a legal husband to Leanne Battersby and Carla Connor, and a partner to Toyah Battersby.
Recently Peter married Carla and underwent a liver transplant.
Peter was arrested after assaulting the surgeon who performed the operation. Mr Thorne had been heard boasting he did Peter’s operation in under four hours for a bet.
Peter bonded with activist Griff over the authorities letting them down. But then he saw Griff for what he was: a racist thug.
Now Peter is struggling to deal with killing Stephen Reid. He’s been told the police aren’t charging him but with actor Chris Gascoyne, who plays Peter, taking a break from the Street soon, could Peter be off for a spell behind bars?

Rita Tanner
Rita (Barbara Knox) runs The Kabin on Coronation Street. She joined the soap in 1964 and she’s been married four times.
Currently single, Rita’s closest allies on the cobbles are former foster daughter Jenny Bradley and Gemma Winter.
In 2017, it looked like Rita might die when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, but fortunately she had surgery and is back to fighting fit.
Rita was pleased when her former foster daughter Sharon returned to Weatherfield. However it was revealed she was involved in a drug gang with her nephew Harvey.
Rita was devastated to find out how much best friend Audrey has been struggling and has vowed to support her.

Roy Cropper
Roy Cropper, played by David Neilson runs Roy’s Rolls and has been in the Coronation Street cast since 1995.
He married the soap’s first transgender character, Hayley Cropper, who sadly passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2014.
His closest current relationship is with Carla Connor, who he regards as a daughter. Niece Nina has moved in with him.
He supported Nina after she was attacked by Corey Brent and his friends.

Ronnie Bailey
Ronnie Bailey (Vinta Morgan) is the brother of Ed Bailey.
His arrival caused trouble on the street as he told Ed he believed Michael was his son. A DNA test proved that Michael wasn’t his son.
However he slept with Jenny Connor, who was married to Johnny.
Eventually Johnny found out the truth and it’s fair to say he wasn’t happy.
He’s now close to Debbie Webster.

Ruby Dobbs
Ruby Dobbs (Billie Naylor) is the biological daughter of Kirsty Soames and Tyrone Dobbs.
However she has been raised by Fiz Stape and sees her as her mother.
in 2021, Ruby found out her birth mother Kirsty had died.

Ryan Connor
The son of Michelle Connor, Ryan came back to Weatherfield in the form of new actor Ryan Prescott, for Michelle’s wedding in 2018.
He was always causing trouble, including a drugs entanglement a couple of years ago.
He had a relationship with Alya Nazir, but she ended things with him after he got involved with Daisy.
Ryan’s friendship with Ms Midgeley took a very dark turn when he got attacked with acid by Daisy’s stalker, Justin.
Badly scarred in the attack, Ryan’s been really struggling to cope with his injuries. He was spiralling downwards into the dark side of the internet and abusing steroids, too.
But his friendship with Daisy has proved a support. Except now they’re more than friends and that’s causing even more issues!

Sally Metcalfe
Sally (Sally Dynevor) joined the soap in 1986 and married Kevin Webster. They had two children, Rosie and Sophie, and have split up and got back together more times than seems normal.
Social climber Sal’s currently married to Tim Metcalfe.
She has spent time in jail, wrongly convicted of fraud, and is now nursing her husband back to health following several scares including a heart bypass and struggles with impotence.
They have managed to repair their marriage – and sex life. What’s next for our Sal?

Sam Blakeman
Sam Blakeman is the son of Natasha Blakeman and Nick Tilsley.
Last year, Nick was shocked when he ran into Natasha and found out he had a nine-year old son.
Sam is played by Jude Riordan.
When Sam’s mum Natasha was shot and killed last year, Sam was shocked into silence.
He managed to find his voice again thanks to chess.

Sarah Barlow
Middle child, Sarah-Louise Platt (Tina O’Brien) was born in 1987 to Gail and Brian Tilsley, but was later adopted by Martin Platt.
She’s the sister of Nick Tilsley and David Platt and became mum to Bethany Platt when she was just 13-years-old.
Sarah has another son, Harry Platt, who was the product of a relationship with evil drug-dealer Callum.
After a turbulent relationship with Gary Windass, she married Adam Barlow.
But their marriage hit a VERY big bump when Sarah slept with Damon Hay. She later found out she was pregnant and to her horror discovered the baby was Damon’s – after Adam revealed the truth at their gender reveal party.
Sadly, Sarah later miscarried and she’s now coping with that and the end of her marriage. And the tiny thing about her uncle being a murderer!

Sean Tully
Sean Tully – played by Antony Cotton – joined the Coronation Street cast in 2003 and has been unlucky-in-love ever since.
He works in the Rovers and found himself homeless after a series of unfortunate events left him with nothing a couple of years ago.
Fortunately old flame Billy Mayhew stepped in to offer a helping hand and Sean slowly got back on his feet again.
Son Dylan is back on the scene.

Shona Platt
When Shona Ramsey arrived in 2016 it was clear she was hiding something big. Shona got closer to David Platt, and revealed she was the mother of Clayton Hibbs, Kylie’s killer.
Shona (Julia Goulding) finally revealed the truth to David and he eventually got over it and the two are in a relationship. They struggled in 2018 though, in the aftermath of his rape.
And then she landed up in a coma after a shooting. A brain injury has left her character very different, but she and David have found fresh happiness together.
Shona’s back from taking Lily to a football programme in London and the family are muddling through!

Simon Barlow
Young Simon Barlow, the son of Peter Barlow and Lucy Richards, didn’t have the best start in life due to his father’s bigamy and his mother dying of cancer when he was only little.
Alex Bain has played Simon since 2008 and has tackled storylines such as being violent with his adoptive mum, Leanne, and joining a gang.
Last year began delivering drugs for dealer Harvey to financially support Leanne, which led to the family going into hiding.
But he is back living in Weatherfield now Harvey is behind bars.

Steve McDonald
Simon Gregson has played Steve McDonald since 1989. He’s the twin brother of Andy and the son of Liz and Jim McDonald.
He’s married seven times – twice to the same women. He married Tracy Barlow in October 2018.
He has three children – Amy with Tracy, Oliver – who died in November 2020 – with Leanne, and Emma with ex Fiona. His baby with Michelle, Ruairi, died at birth at 23 weeks.
Steve owns Streetcars after being forced to sell the Rovers Return when he cheated on wife Michelle and they got divorced.
He was left devastated when Oliver died and now spends his time raising money for charity.

Stu Carpenter
Homeless Stu Carpenter, played by Bill Fellows, was instrumental in bringing down killer Corey.
He then helped Kelly as she battled to survive life on the streets.
Stu almost lost his life in a fire at Speed Daal, but was rescued. Yasmeen took him in and they developed feelings for each other.
However, when it was revealed he murdered a woman he was having an affair with, she threw Stu out.
Stu worked to prove his innocence and eventually it was revealed his daughter, Bridget, had killed Charlie and his wife, Lucy, had helped cover it up.
Bridget and Lucy have been arrested and Stu has been bringing up granddaughter Eliza. But that’s looking pretty complicated right now…

Summer Spellman
Summer Spellman is the adoptive daughter of Billy Mayhew and she arrived in 2017.
She was originally played by Matilda Freeman, however Harriet Bibby took over the role last year.
Billy fought a tough battle to get her after her deeply religious grandparents wanted her to stay with them.
Fortunately, Billy won Summer’s heart – and the legal rights to raise her, and she even stood by him when he descended into drug addiction earlier in 2018.
Last year, Summer was diagnosed with Type One diabetes. She then developed an eating disorder.
She found happiness with fellow diabetic Aaron, but then she fell pregnant.
Summer planned to sell her baby to raise the funds for Aaron’s dad’s rehab stint, but then she miscarried.
Now, finally, Summer’s managed to take her exams and is heading to uni. But currently she’s trying to come to terms with Paul’s illness.

Tim has recently had heart surgery (Credit: ITV)
Tim Metcalfe
Sally Metcalfe’s husband Tim (Joe Duttine) owns half of Street Cars. He’s been in the show since 2013 when his biological daughter, Faye Windass, tracked him down.
Tim has experienced tough times, with Geoff claiming Yasmeen tried to kill him. He also met his ‘dead’ mum Elaine.
Tim underwent a triple heart bypass but is back to full health now. And he’s been supporting mum Elaine through her sinister break up with Stephen Reid.
Now Tim’s suffering after being attacked and left for dead by Stephen. He’s not in a good place.

Todd Grimshaw
Todd returned to Weatherfield after some years away. He ran away after hitting a policeman and came back in similarly dramatic fashion after a brush with a dealer.
Now he’s back and working at the funeral parlour.
Most notably, a new actor Gareth Pierce is playing him now, after Bruno Langley lost his job.
Todd has tried to change his ways from the scheming, lying person he once was. Is he really a new person though?!

Toyah Battersby
Toyah Battersby arrived in 1997 alongside sister Leanne. After some harrowing storylines, including a brutal rape, she left in 2003, but returned in 2016 as the girlfriend of Peter Barlow.
Up until 2018, Toyah ran the Rovers with Peter, but she lied about her adoptive baby – she was really Eva Price’s baby. Peter ended their relationship.
She’s settled with Imran, but things are on very rocky ground after she agreed to bring up his baby with Abi.
Toyah was heartbroken to realise Imran had cheated on her with a close neighbour, but her desperation for a child outweighed her upset and she forgave him.
They got married and went for custody of Alfie.
However, it all became too much for Toyah in the end and she lost it, smashing their car into a wall.
She was charged with murder, but got off.
Toyah rekindled her romance with ex-lover Spider, but the pair split when it was clear his career as an undercover cop meant more.

Tracy McDonald
Troublemaker Tracy (Kate Ford) was born to Deirdre and Ray Langton in 1977, but Deirdre’s second husband Ken Barlow adopted her.
She’s been in prison for murder and has spent most of her time on the cobbles wrecking Steve McDonald’s many marriages.
But she’s finally got her man and Tracy and Steve married in 2018. They live with their daughter Amy and spend a lot of time bickering.
Tracy has revealed her better side, supporting Steve through Oliver’s illness.
But she’s lost none of that fiery tongue nor fighting spirit. And that’s why we still love her.

Tyrone Dobbs
Character Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) joined the Coronation Street cast in 1998 and started work as an apprentice at Kevin’s car garage after losing his job collecting trolleys at Curly Watts’ supermarket.
Ty lived with Jack and Vera Duckworth who became like parents to him.
He was engaged to Fiz Stape until earlier this year when he fell for Alina Pop.
Tyrone soon realised he was still in love with Fiz and after Alina lost their baby, she left the Street, leaving Ty free to go back to his former partner.
However, Fiz was loved up with Phill.
She ditched Phill on her wedding night and went back to Tyrone, but Ty became unsuspecting Phill’s confident and ended up going on Fiz’s honeymoon with Phill!
Tyrone popped the question to Fiz in December 2021 and planned a quick, surprise wedding.
After a few mishaps the pair tied the knot on Christmas Day. Now Ty’s getting to know his mum, Cassie, who’s arrived on the street.
But is she being honest with him?
Yasmeen Nazir
Yasmeen (Shelley King) made her first appearance on the cobbles in 2014. She came in as the mother of Kal Nazir and grandmother of Alya and Zeedan.
She got married to Geoff Metcalfe in 2019, however he was abusive.
Geoff died in 2020 and currently Yasmeen runs Speed Daal with Alya.
She fell for Stu Carpenter, but threw him out when she discovered he’d been in prison for murder.
However after realising he was innocent, they have rekindled things. But will it work out for good?
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** This article is regularly updated to reflect changes in the Coronation Street cast.