With Line of Duty back, it’s time to find out which character you’d be, should you land a part in the Jed Mercurio crooked cop drama – Steve, Kate or Ted?
Will you be suited and booted Steve Arnott, gaffer Ted Hastings or AC-12’s leading lady, Kate Fleming?
Well, there’s only one way to find out – it’s time to take our quiz and head to our socials to share your results.

Question 1: What best sums up your sense of style?
A) A uniform’s a must for me – you’ll never catch me at work in my civvies!
B) Suit all the way – I want people to take me seriously and know I mean business.
C) Fashion doesn’t bother me, practical clothes where I don’t stand out from the crowd are for me – I let my work do the talking.
Read more: Jed Mercurio admits it’s ‘possible’ top three characters could be killed off
Question 2: What are you most likely to be told off for at work?
A) Mansplaining and patronising colleagues.
B) Trying to get off with colleagues.
C) Swearing at colleagues.

Question 3: What is your attitude to work?
A) I always do things by the book and to the letter [not confirming if that letter is H].
B) I can’t understand why I’ve not progressed – perhaps I have a slight attitude problem.
C) I work too hard to the detriment of my personal and family life.
Question 4: What’s your attitude to love?
A) Once I’ve found The One I stick to them like glue.
B) Spread the love and share the wealth – until poverty hits…
C) Up and down – I am guilty of getting distracted by other things and having a wandering eye.
Read more: Adrian Dunbar subjected to ’embarrassing’ BBC Breakfast interview
Question 5: Are you a rule breaker?
A) I’ve done a few things I’ve felt guilty about, so help me Jesus, Mary and Joesph, but nothing major (I’m admitting to).
B) Unless I’m lying to myself, no!
C) Well, now, that would be telling and I play my cards very close to my chest.

Question 6: How would you describe yourself on a dating app?
A) Mother of God, I’ve only just discovered online porn, I’m not ready for any of those shenanigans.
B) Former swordsman with a broken weapon in need of a good spit and polish.
C) I can be whoever you want me to be!
So which BBC Line of Duty character are you?
Mostly As – you are Superintendent Hastings! The leader of the pack, you have the respect of your colleagues, but they are becoming wary of if you really are who you say you are.
Mostly Bs – you are DS Steve Arnott. Life keeps knocking you down but you keep getting back up. Work through your pain and you should be able to rise to any occasion.
Mostly Cs – You are DI Kate Fleming. Who are you, like, really? You wear loyalty for mates as well as Steve wears a waistcoat. But others are aware you lie and pretend – do you even know what’s real about you anymore?
Line of Duty starts Sunday (March 21) at 9pm on BBC One.
Head to our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and tell us which Line of Duty character you are!