
20 celebrities with the WEIRDEST pets

They say a dog is a man's best friend, but these celebrity pet owners will disagree...

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Michael Jackson – Chimpanzee

Michael Jackson once splashed the cash to rescue a young chimpanzee from a Texas research clinic in the early 1980s. Named Bubbles, the chimp went everywhere with Michael, from his concerts to business meetings with royalty.

After settling at the Neverland Ranch, Bubbles often slept in the same room as the King of Pop, used the same toilet and even learnt how to moonwalk. Sadly, as Bubbles matured he starting getting aggressive and was sent to an animal sanctuary in 2005.

Bubbles, now 33, is – according to the animal keepers at the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula – “huge and ugly” but has a “sweet character”.

Nancy Brown
Associate Editor