Deadline on Channel 5 threw up so many questions in tonight’s opening episode.
The glossy, twisty turn-y whodunnit set in the murky worlds of tabloid journalism and art dealing created a fantastic new femme fatale in the shape of Natalie Varga, played by Charlie Murphy (Peaky Blinders; Happy Valley).
When her art-loving Hungarian husband George was killed, Natalie became the prime suspect.
But with an alibi and an inscrutable lawyer-minder, it seems the widow has been unfairly accused.
Step forward a documentary crew and disgraced journalist James (James D’arcy).

Initially convinced she is guilty, James began to find it rather more difficult to prove – and indeed continue to believe.
But just one episode into the four-parter, Deadline has left viewers with a lot to chew over… and there are 10 specific answers we all need.
1. Where is Natalie’s evil twin?
Despite Natalie claiming that her brother, Oliver, took his own life over drug and money issues, at the end of Deadline episode one viewers were left with the tantalising revelation that he is, in fact, alive. AND he killed George.
So either Natalie’s pants are on fire, or he faked the whole shebang. Or he’s a zombie. Right?
2. How did said brother fake his death?
Also, why? Natalie alluded to drug problems a couple of times, but given that she doesn’t appear to be telling anyone much of anything that’s true, who knows?
Is he alive? Is he dead? Is he even her brother?
3. What is the dirty tabloid secret James is hiding?
Both James Alden’s boss, and his subject, Natalie, feel his move into less serious journalism is somehow beneath him.
Episode one of Deadline certainly dropped some heavy hints at a serious fall from grace preceding his arrival at the TV production company where he’s now working.

4. How did Natalie and George really meet?
As the layers peeled back over the course of the first instalment, we got the sense that all was not as it seemed in the Varga household.
There’s a good chance that George’s entrance into Natalie’s life was more than a mere coincidence. And the brother was instrumental…
5. Just how sinister is Mrs Mulner?
With a dour demeanour and, we’re guessing, a right hook to match, lawyer-minder Mrs Mulner is fast becoming our favourite character.
But her presence isn’t just menacing, she’s clearly there to serve a presumably sinister purpose, and we can’t wait to find out what it is.

5. Who is the shady dude tailing James?
The not-very-subtle man following James everywhere, taking pictures, and leaving intimidating notes on windscreens clearly isn’t doing any of that for fun. Or is he?
We’ve yet to learn anything about him, except that he might need a tailing-people-so-they-don’t-see-you refresher course. Either way, he’s going to be trouble.
7. Is Natalie Varga the killer?
The biggest question. Natalie definitely had the time, opportunity, and, apparently, the vision to kill George.
Also, she’s proved herself a decent liar, and a person who laughs when the police ask if you’ve murdered your husband. But does that make her a killer? Maybe.
There are three more episodes to toy with that one.
8. Do James And Natalie already know each other?
Although James and Natalie made a great show of introducing themselves in front of Mrs Mulner, we’re not buying it.
That meeting of eyes between the pair outside the Varga residence was a clear indication of prior knowledge, we reckon.
Either that, or it was love at first sight.
9. What’s with James’ nightmares?
This could go one of two ways.
Either: the dreams are an attack of conscience over whatever his big disgrace is, and we’re thinking it’s pretty big.
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Or: There’s a supernatural twist where he actually has premonitions that allow him to solve crimes.
Natalie seems to have artsy premonitions of future deaths, so why not? Unlikely, but we’re open to it.
10. What’s that painting about?
It’s gory, it’s clearly her husband and it proves having taste isn’t a requirement for buying art.
Despite appearances, though, this could be Deadline’s biggest red herring. Because who’d order a painting of the exact moment their husband died?
Oh, right. She probably did it!
The drama continues on consecutive nights Tuesday – Thursday, 9pm on Channel 5
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