
Pregnant supermom goes to work with a toddler on her back!

She became a viral hit after posting this photo on Facebook

This is what having it all looks like.

US doctor Megan Meier has become a viral sensation after posting a photo of herself, heavily pregnant working with her toddler strapped to her back.

The Oklahoma City resident, who was tending to a player at her local high school football team, shared the photo on a Facebook group page.

She wrote the caption: “Sports Medicine Doctor Mom – this is what happens when you are 35 weeks pregnant, husband leaves town for the weekend, childcare for 3yo falls through, and you have a game to cover!”

Megan was left in a pickle last week Friday when her husband Jonathan had to leave town for a last minute work trip.

She was scheduled to provide medical coverage for a high school football team and no one was available to babysit their daughter Kate.

So the pregnant mum improvised.

She told TODAY Parents: “I knew the side line wasn’t safe for a toddler, so in a pinch I decided to grab our old Ergo baby carrier and strap my daughter on my back and get to work.”

The sports and dance medicine physician is amazed her photo went viral.

On her professional Facebook page this week, she wrote: “I posted this to a group of physician mom’s [sic] because I thought they would enjoy it – seeing a visual representation of what we all do each and every day.

“I am overwhelmed by all the positive feedback and support the members of this group have given.

“I really believe that you can have it all and find a great balance to a multi-faceted career and life.

“However, it takes a lot of hard work and improvisation at times.”

Her message obviously struck a cord. One mum commented on Dr Meier’s picture, writing: “This is my favorite post of 2016!

“I have four children of my own and teach 120 middle schoolers. I feel just like this ALL of the time.

“Thanks for being such an inspiration!”

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor