While most celebrity moms feel under pressure to shed their baby weight overnight.
New mom Holly Madison has revealed how she is not in a hurry to get her post-baby body back.
Speaking out after giving birth to son, Forest Leonardo Antonio, who was born on August 7, the former Girls Next Door star told People: “I’m going to get healthy, but I’m not going to focus on how fast I’m losing weight.
‘I don’t have a time limit.’
The former Las Vegas performer, who also has daughter Rainbow, 3, admitted she gained 60 pounds while pregnant.
“I was eating junk food and ordering a lot of Postmates,” Madison admits talking about the online food delivery service.
“I spent more on Postmates than I did on groceries!”
The bestselling author also told how her son had a scary start to life.
She said after she gave birth, Forest was immediately whisked away to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to combat a host of health issues.
The former Playboy model described the days following his arrival as a ‘super emotional time’, but added it was ‘such a relief’ to finally take him home.
‘Holly, Rainbow & I welcomed a healthy 8-pound, 14-ounce baby boy to the family,’ the model’s husband, 42-year-old husband Pasquale Rotella, wrote on his Instagram page.
‘Now I’m holding my beautiful son at the hospital reading amazing birthday wishes from all of you.
‘Definitely one of the most memorable weeks of my life!’
Their newborn son was suffering from fluid on his lungs.
‘First it was the fluid, then it was jaundice, then his eyes weren’t dilating, and I spent hours thinking my baby couldn’t see,’ Holly added.
Thankfully, Forest pulled through, and they were able to take him home three days later to start bonding with his big sister, three-year-old Rainbow.