Period sanitary towel

The 10 worst things men can – and do – say to women when they’re on their period


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It’s a universally accepted truth that men have a unique talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, especially when it comes to something they don’t care to understand. (If it’s not about them, why bother, right?)

And never is this more true than when it comes to periods. Literally the worst time to put their foot in it, when most women’s tolerance is at its thinnest.

Here are 10 of the worst comments that should never – but do – escape their lips during our ‘special’ time of the month.

The Psychic Detective

  1. “Are you on your period?”

Behold, the clairvoyant powers of the male species! They possess an uncanny ability to deduce our menstrual state without any explicit mention. It’s as if they’ve graduated from the Sherlock Holmes School of Menstruation, armed with their trusty magnifying glasses to detect the faintest scent of hormonal shifts.

  1. “It can’t be that bad.”

Ah, yes, the classic line that instantly diminishes our monthly struggles. Men, with their impeccable understanding of the female anatomy, possess the audacity to belittle our cramps, as if they were merely mild discomforts akin to a tickle fight. How fortunate we are to have their profound wisdom!

  1. “Let’s go on a romantic date tonight.”

When our flow is at its fiercest and our emotions are running wild, men choose this very moment to plan a grand romantic gesture. Candlelit dinners, surprise outings, and extravagant gestures may seem charming, but they fail to consider the undeniable discomfort and emotional turbulence we’re experiencing.

The Emotional Detective

  1. “Why are you so emotional?”

Intriguingly, men seem to possess an innate talent for attributing every tear, sigh, or exasperated groan to our menstrual state. As if emotional complexity were completely foreign to them, they assume that our feelings are merely products of hormonal fluctuations, devoid of any legitimate cause.

Whose man is guilty of suggesting you exaggerate the pain on your period? (Credit: Pexels/Cliff Booth)
  1. “Are you sure you’re not just using your period as an excuse?”

The loyal guardian of skepticism! Men often question the authenticity of our emotional state, as if we’ve cleverly manufactured our period as a convenient excuse to unleash our inner drama queens. Oh, what an ingenious ploy indeed!

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The Calm and Rational Observer

  1. “You’re overreacting.”

Bless their souls, men have an unwavering ability to assess our emotional reactions with impeccable composure and logic. They graciously inform us when we’ve crossed the boundary into irrationality, blissfully unaware of the irony that their dismissive comment tends to exacerbate our emotional turmoil.

  1. “Why don’t you just relax and take it easy?”

The well-intentioned advice-giver, urging us to find tranquility amidst the hormonal storm. As if relaxation were a magic spell that could ward off cramps, mood swings, and the general chaos that accompanies our monthly visitor. Thank you, oh wise ones, for enlightening us with your zen-like wisdom!

The Bladder Whisperer

  1. “Can’t you just hold it in?”

The masters of urinary control! Men, equipped with the superpower to delay nature’s call for hours on end, assume that our need for frequent bathroom breaks during our periods is a mere inconvenience. Little do they know that our bladders have become the most rebellious accomplices to our crimson adventures.

  1. “I don’t get why you’re so sensitive. It’s just a natural process.”

Marvel at the profound philosophical insights of our dear male counterparts! They eloquently remind us that menstruation is, indeed, a natural process, as if their remark could magically soothe our heightened sensitivity and turn us into pillars of stoicism.

  1. “Can we not talk about it? It’s gross.”

Ah, the knights in shining armour, shielding themselves from the discomfort of period talk. Men possess an impressive ability to divert conversations away from our menstruation, as if acknowledging the biological realities of our bodies were an unspeakable taboo. Bravo, gentlemen, for your unparalleled finesse in avoidance!

Do you find your man an irritant when you have your period? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know.

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