Woman measuring her thigh

Top 10 things NOT to say to a woman when she asks if she looks like she’s gained weight

Just. Say. NO.

Ladies, how many times have you posed the iconic question to your man: “Do I look like I’ve gained weight?” And men, how many times have you responded with something that sounded okay in your head but landed like a lead balloon? Fear not, gents, for we’re here to help. Below, we have gathered the top 10 responses you absolutely need to avoid.

1. “Well, it’s not the dress.”
Nope, not the right answer. Ever. Even if your intentions were good, this one can be easily misunderstood. This one is about as safe as juggling flaming chainsaws.

2. “Is it a new dress?”

Classic evasion strategy! But you aren’t fooling anyone. She knows you’re dodging the question. Be careful, you might slip on your nonchalance and land face-first in the doghouse.

3. “I’m not really good with fashion.”

This is the verbal equivalent of a vanishing act. And while your lack of fashion sense may be the truth, it’s also a convenient excuse to avoid giving a direct answer. Sorry fellas, but even David Blaine can’t escape this one.

Avoid answering a woman when she asks about her weight (Credit: Pexels/Laura Tancredi)

4. “Compared to what?”

The goal here is not to conduct a comparative analysis or initiate a philosophical debate about the subjective nature of size. Stick to the matter at hand and remember, simplicity is key!

5. “You always look beautiful to me.”

Sounds perfect, right? Wrong. While it seems like a compliment (and it is), it may come off as avoiding the question, just like response number 2. She wants an honest opinion, not a page from your Book of Generic Compliments.

Read more: 10 things you should definitely not say to a woman on her period

6. “It’s a bit tight, but maybe it will stretch?”

This one’s a ticking time bomb. Your optimism about the clothing’s elasticity isn’t going to save you. Reroute and focus on the positives instead.

7. “Well, you’re not a Victoria’s Secret model, but who is?”

Comparison with supermodels? Bad move, buddy. By doing this, you’re setting up impossible standards. All you’re going to get from this is a one-way ticket to Couchsville, population: you.

Think before you speak

8. “Hmm…”

Even if you’re a man of few words, this is not the time for onomatopoeia. “Hmm…” sounds like you’re weighing the pros and cons. She wants an answer, not a contemplative hum.

9. “Does it matter what I think?”

It’s not a trap, it’s a request for reassurance and an honest opinion. So yes, it does matter. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t ask. Remember, communication is key.

A weight off your mind

10. Silence

Sometimes silence speaks volumes, but in this case, it just spells disaster. It might appear that you’re contemplating the question a little too intensely or worse, visualizing her as ‘fat’. Either way, it’s not going to end well.

So, men, next time your significant other asks you this question, remember this guide and choose your words wisely. Respond with tact. Compliment her. Highlight her best features. Tell her how the colour of the dress brings out her eyes or how the cut flatters her shape. Always make her feel loved and appreciated. NEVER say yes!

Has your other half put their foot in in when you’ve spoken about your weight?  Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know.

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